Sistema de Reputacion (Gal)

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When you first create your account you start at a reputation of 25 and your reputation will increase or decrease based on the upvotes or downvotes you receive.

The site created by @blueorgy defines itself as a precision live reputation viewer using the Steemit formula and more. On you can see a steemians ranking by reputation.

Digging a little deeper:

The reputation system is a piece of data that allows the network to communicate the "trust-worthiness" of any given member within the network, the system does this through a plugin running on the network that looks at a number of metrics.

Raw reputation on the blockchain is actually stored as a record of the total amount of rshares that have been recieved by any given account. What that essentially means is that it records the amount of times you have been voted for (on any of your posts or comments) and how much steem power each of those accounts had behind them (or to be more explicit the percentage of voting power of the total steem power of each account which voted. )

Documentación Adicional


Sitios oficiais, tutoriais, Posts relacionados nos Blogs de Steemit etc que axuden a entender o suxeto.

Artigos Relacionados

Links a outros steemCenter artículos

Enlaces Externos

  • Wikipedia : Article title Retrieved in Month/Day/2017
  • Name of the site : Title of the page, blog post or news report Written by Name of Author, published in Month/Day/2017
  • Name of the YouTube Channel : Title of the video Video by Name of Author published in Month/Day/2017
  • Engade enlaces externos suxeridos, como da wikipedia. Tamén podes engadir resultados de Busca de Google ou das News relacionadas e que enriquezan o artigo.

En outros idiomas

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